SOS letter from Beijing
(too old to reply)
2005-03-15 21:50:36 UTC

This is a college student in Beijing of China, and I¡¯m Laura. I
¡¯ve got a complicated UTIS for almost five years, which has
brought me much pain and trouble and made me depression.
Though I¡¯ve tried,doctors at hospitals in Beijing cannot find the
reason, and they only gave me some antibiotics.So I¡¯m here asking
the world,could somebody help me?

Here is the discription of the illness:

1 In 2001 ,It¡¯s very hot in September,durning that days, I had
wearing very tight jeans all days, till one day I suddenly felt very
strong bloated feeling on my back of the kidney. At first I din¡¯t
know why,just feeling very uncomfortabal, after several days, I found
that after urination the feeling decreased. From that time ,I had to
urinate every 45 minutes once, when seriesly 30 or15 or 5 minutes
once.I just feit my balder has vanished or can¡¯t elastic,but both the
kidney and urethra took place of it.

2 It¡¯s very strange that I haven¡¯t had the symtom of painful
feeling of my urethra and never blood . Sometimes there were many
bubbles in the urine, the diameter of the biggest one is 1 šC2 mm,
the smallest is only can be seen by eyes.

3 A very strong burning feeling (but not pain) in the area of
urethra all the time, and only drinking plenty of water and
urination could release the feeling . Always feeling tired ,sleepy

4 The urinalysis culture: no bacterial grow.

GLU negative
BIL negative
KET negative
SG >=1.030
PH 6.0
PRO negative
UBG 3.2
NIT negative
BLD 0-1
LEU negative 1-2

despite an intense urge to urinate, only a small amount of urine
is passed (sometimes very little)

5 I have to go to urinate 3-4 times within 30 minutes before
falling asleep, so I wasn¡¯t going to get the feeling of burning
and bloated on back, thus I can sleep.

6 After feeling hot ,eating spice food,or doing sports,the condition
turned much worse.

7 In 2001, an accident made my condition worse , a girl laughed
at me for my frequent urination. With I quarreled with her , she
kicked at my low belly( exactelly the bone ,but I don¡¯t know its
name). After extravasated blood fading, I felt the musale (or the
peritonaeum) got a serious stretched feeling, like it couldn¡¯t be
stretch, which gradually develop to belly. I think the bacterial led
UTIS caused it.

I¡¯ve tried many kinds of antibiotics, such as Cefadroxil Capsules,
Amoxicillin Capsules, Cefuroxime Axetil Tablets, Levofloxacin Mesylate
Tablets. Drug for release muscle:
Flavoxate Hydrochloride Tablets. But none of them acted. I¡¯ve
taken some ones for
Infusion, such as Levofloxacin Mesylate (Tablets), when I was in a
fever of flu.(In China, people could buy antibodies easily in
drugstore., until several days before, there was a rule for
antibodies given by government.)

By Infusion of Levofloxacin Mesylate , I felt better, the
feeling of burning decrease , and I could go to urinate 2 hours
once . I also took some Chinese drugs, and one of them did cure me
for several hours, because I couldn¡¯t feel the urination and feeling
of bloated on my kidney., but a few hours later it returned . When I
took it again ,it didn¡¯t act like last time. So I infer maybe it is
a rare and obstinate bacterial (or virus) with high nature of
anti-drug . But I¡¯m not sure .

A young lady I know told me she had got UTIs with blooding ang being
painful by wearing tight jeans trousers,but recovered soon by taking
some Norfloxacin Capsules . So I think she maybe got the E.coli, but
I¡¯m not.

I¡¯ve been to many hospitals here, but no doctors could me give
a reasonable answer, tell me what kind of UTIS I got.

I know many kind of UTIS may be transmitted by sex. But I¡¯ve
grew up in a traditional family, and my parents educated me
strictly.I haven¡¯t had any boyfriend now.

I¡¯ve seen an short article in google tribune written in 1994 with
the title of ¡°Ck symptoms¡±,saying that jeans could cause
UTIs.The writer said she has no time to search the reference.

It has made me much painful and troubled. I can¡¯t study , sit
,read books ,
go somewhere , sleep comfortabely , because I needed to urinate all
the time .I¡¯m
so desperate for it ,and many nights I cound¡¯t fall asleep
thinking what can
rescue me , but the point is I don¡¯t know which one it is , and
what can cure it?

If antone has heard of patients with similar symptoms,or have
ideas as to what this illness could be, Which kind of antibodies can
cure it, please contact me. ¡¯m so in need for your help,.My email
is : ***@sina.com .

Thank you very much.


Robert A. Fink, M. D.
2005-03-16 00:04:35 UTC
Post by laura
If antone has heard of patients with similar symptoms,or have
ideas as to what this illness could be, Which kind of antibodies can
cure it, please contact me. ¡¯m so in need for your help,.My email
Thank you very much.

There could be many things causing your repeated urinary tract
infections. This includes abnormalities in your urinary tract anatomy
(strictures, congenital malformations, etc.), and it is important for
you to see a specialist (Urologist) for special testing.

Taking multiple antibiotics is not the answer, as the bacteria can
develop resistance to the drugs and this would make the treatment more
difficult and less effective.

Please go to one of the major University centers (perhaps PUMC) and
have an evaluation by a specialist (Urologist).



Robert A. Fink, M. D.
Neurological Surgery
2500 Milvia Street Suite 222
Berkeley, CA 94704-2636 USA

NOTE: The material above is not "medical
advice". Medical advice can only be
given after an in-person contact between
doctor and patient.
2005-03-22 15:58:06 UTC
Post by Robert A. Fink, M. D.
There could be many things causing your repeated urinary tract
infections. This includes abnormalities in your urinary tract anatomy
(strictures, congenital malformations, etc.), and it is important for
you to see a specialist (Urologist) for special testing.
Taking multiple antibiotics is not the answer, as the bacteria can
develop resistance to the drugs and this would make the treatment more
difficult and less effective.
Please go to one of the major University centers (perhaps PUMC) and
have an evaluation by a specialist (Urologist).
Robert A. Fink, M. D.
Neurological Surgery
2500 Milvia Street Suite 222
Berkeley, CA 94704-2636 USA
NOTE: The material above is not "medical
advice". Medical advice can only be
given after an in-person contact between
doctor and patient.

