Baxter Infusion Pump problem
(too old to reply)
2005-08-10 14:53:51 UTC
Well it looks like there is another medical device issue. There seems to be
a problem with the Baxter infusion pumps shuting down delivery of
intravenous medication to patients unexpectedly. The FDA has even announced
a worldwide recall of the pumps. If you check out
https://www.lawyersandsettlements.com/case/baxter_pump there is more
information including the models that have had issues. There is also a free
case evaluation provided for those who might have been affected by this. I
found this of interest and hope it may be of some help.

Mark Probert
2005-08-10 16:49:03 UTC
Post by kr0
Well it looks like there is another medical device issue. There seems to be
a problem with the Baxter infusion pumps shuting down delivery of
intravenous medication to patients unexpectedly. The FDA has even announced
a worldwide recall of the pumps. If you check out
https://www.lawyersandsettlements.com/case/baxter_pump there is more
information including the models that have had issues. There is also a free
case evaluation provided for those who might have been affected by this. I
found this of interest and hope it may be of some help.
Kent Zero Ross shilling for attorneys.
