Serious Bextra problems
(too old to reply)
2004-11-16 16:06:18 UTC
So, it appears that like Vioxx, there may be some serious side effects
related to the drug Bextra. Bextra is also used in the treatment of
arthritis, but may cause heart attack, stroke and other potentially life
threatening side effects. If you take a look at
http://www.bigclassaction.com/class_action/bextra.html there is a bit more
information about this. The site also offers free case evaluations for those
who have had such issues. I am hoping this may be of interest to some and
might also be of some help.
Herman Rubin
2004-11-17 16:34:39 UTC
Post by kr0
So, it appears that like Vioxx, there may be some serious side effects
related to the drug Bextra. Bextra is also used in the treatment of
arthritis, but may cause heart attack, stroke and other potentially life
threatening side effects. If you take a look at
http://www.bigclassaction.com/class_action/bextra.html there is a bit more
information about this. The site also offers free case evaluations for those
who have had such issues. I am hoping this may be of interest to some and
might also be of some help.
What needs to be done is not for the FDA or anyone else to
make a decision on this, but to provide the information about
the risks and benefits, as explicitly as possible (NOT giving
significance levels, but more relevant information), and let
the individual decide whether the benefit is worth the risk.

There are no safe, effective drugs. Realize this, and act
accordingly to provide the information.
This address is for information only. I do not claim that these views
are those of the Statistics Department or of Purdue University.
Herman Rubin, Department of Statistics, Purdue University
***@stat.purdue.edu Phone: (765)494-6054 FAX: (765)494-0558
2004-11-17 16:52:19 UTC
I agree that information is the key. Informing the public of the side
effects of these kind of drugs and making it known to the individual clearly
before prescribing them, would definitely allow the individual who has
serious problems to make an informed choice on whether or not to take the
risk on certain medications. Unfortunately, not enough is done to inform the
general public or even the patient prior to prescribing these product, and
in a some cases the drugs are far more dangerous than the malady.
Post by Herman Rubin
Post by kr0
So, it appears that like Vioxx, there may be some serious side effects
related to the drug Bextra. Bextra is also used in the treatment of
arthritis, but may cause heart attack, stroke and other potentially life
threatening side effects. If you take a look at
http://www.bigclassaction.com/class_action/bextra.html there is a bit more
information about this. The site also offers free case evaluations for those
who have had such issues. I am hoping this may be of interest to some and
might also be of some help.
What needs to be done is not for the FDA or anyone else to
make a decision on this, but to provide the information about
the risks and benefits, as explicitly as possible (NOT giving
significance levels, but more relevant information), and let
the individual decide whether the benefit is worth the risk.
There are no safe, effective drugs. Realize this, and act
accordingly to provide the information.
This address is for information only. I do not claim that these views
are those of the Statistics Department or of Purdue University.
Herman Rubin, Department of Statistics, Purdue University